Thursday, December 27, 2012
But why is the rum gone?
Happy Holidays all! I got a little bored with Thanksgiving so I'm going to skip Thanksgiving part 3 (sorry!) and move on to bigger and better things aka Christmas! But don't worry friends, my second family (i.e. Kayle's family) is Jewish and a challah post will be coming soon. Also, just so I don't leave out my own heritage, Chinese New Year is right around the corner so expect a delicious Asian dessert that my momma taught me.
Ahh, but I get ahead of myself! Let's talk about Christmas! I love Christmas. And I really love Christmas music - like really really love. I've had my Spotify Christmas playlist on non-stop since Black Friday and I am still not bored of it. I'm actually pretty sad it's not acceptable for me to listen to Christmas music year round. Sometimes I just need a little holiday Josh Groban to make me happy, you know what I mean? Is that really asking too much? If you're my brother, it is. He does NOT like Christmas music so I had to make sure I got my fix on the way to Mom and Dad's so as not to bother him with it during our week of confinement in Lincoln, NE. And, to answer your question "What? You're in Lincoln, NE?" - yes, yes I am. It took three flights, two security checkpoints, and about thirteen hours of travel time, but I made it. Don't ask why we're here.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Hand check!
Since my parents have relocated to somewhere in middle-America, my roommate's family has officially adopted me for the holiday. I'm absolutely amazed at how welcoming and generous Kayle's entire family (like extended family) has been to me. My presence has never been questioned...even during the holidays I obviously don't celebrate (think Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur...I stick out like a sore thumb!). So since this is a Thanksgiving post, I just want to officially express my gratitude to all of them, and especially Jane and Paul. Thanks for taking care of me like another daughter. Love you.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Pumpkin Chunkin

The only thing that broke me out of my doingabsolutelynothingwithmylifeisfun phase was the approach of one of my favorite holidays - Thanksgiving! Why is Thanksgiving my favorite holiday you ask? Well, turkey, for one thing. No pressure for gift-giving is another. But being with family and friends who all celebrate this one holiday cause we're Americans (read: Amuuuricans) tops the charts. Oh - and you can seriously have as many Thanksgivings as you can fit in a one week period. I'm serious (and thankful...see what I did there?)
With that being said, I've now gone zero-to-sixty and have so many recipes and pics to share! I think the easiest way to go about this will be in chronological order, or at least that's my excuse for appeasing my OCD-self. Three Thanksgivings...three posts - get excited.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Apples to apples
Continuing on our quest to use up a bushelful of apples before they rot, this week was the week of pies. Apple pies of course! Lucky for me, my bffl from high school, Sandy, has been in town for the past month and decided she wanted to spend the day doing something Fall-related. Umm...apple pie baking? It absolutely screams Fall!
So - two girls who have been friends since middle school, two recipes, a dozen or so apples, a butt-ton of butter, flour, and sugar, and about six hours of hard-ish work (plus gossip of course)...and we ended up with four amazing and delicious pies! NBD! We chose two types of pies - one fairly traditional recipe and one that is a bit more cake-like. Unfortunately for me, I don't have one of those old-school, passed-down for multiple generations recipes so naturally I just Googled it. That being said, if anyone would like to share their old-school, passed-down for multiple generations recipe for apple pie, please email me!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Apple of my eye
Fall is here, Fall is here, Fall is here(!)...Fall is my favorite season in case you couldn't tell. And New England is such a wonderful region to be in during this time, so all you west coasters can be jealous of us for a change (and for about a month max). The leaves are changing, the air is crisp, and apples are everywhere - mmmm apples. Now, whoever decided to charge people extra so they can pick their own fruit is a genius. I mean - I could totally buy apples from the store, but no...I'm going to drive an hour each way to pay twice as much per apple to go frolicking in an orchard and do the work myself. Amazing.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Almond joy
K - so remember when I was all ambitious-like and wanted to post every week? Hah. So young...so naive! But just to explain myself quickly: 3 days, 9 girls, 2 suites, and about 10 hours of sleep total. Vegas my friends - such an amazing time but I needed a full week to even begin to recover. Well worth it, but I'm le tired.
So now I'm back and ready to bake - assemble the minions! To add a little spice to the blog, I decided to throw in something different - maybe some French Macarons? First things first, macarons are not the same as macaroons which are those shredded coconut cookie-things. Macarons are sandwiches made from two delicious, merengue-based cookies with a fun treat in between. Note: I don't know if the whole spelling of macaron vs. macaroon holds true, but Wikipedia says so and I'm OK with that!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Lady in red
Attention all...your party pants are required because I've officially made it to my 10th post! Yay! Okay, maybe not that big a deal, or any deal at all for that matter, but we do have many other things to celebrate. Like birthdays! And...a casino? Erm - no matter! I always love it when my baking can be used for multiple purposes and I tend to pull out my favorite recipes for these occasions.
I'm actually amazed that I've been able to hold out this long to bring out this tried and true favorite of mine. It was one of the first cupcake recipes that I baked successfully and decorated, so go me! It's also a cupcake flavor that is super popular, always requested, and should be required on the repertoire of every baker-wannabe (like myself). Pants, party or of any other variety, however, are optional but suggested.
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