Continuing on our quest to use up a bushelful of apples before they rot, this week was the week of pies. Apple pies of course! Lucky for me, my bffl from high school, Sandy, has been in town for the past month and decided she wanted to spend the day doing something Fall-related. pie baking? It absolutely screams Fall!
So - two girls who have been friends since middle school, two recipes, a dozen or so apples, a butt-ton of butter, flour, and sugar, and about six hours of hard-ish work (plus gossip of course)...and we ended up with four amazing and delicious pies! NBD! We chose two types of pies - one fairly traditional recipe and one that is a bit more cake-like. Unfortunately for me, I don't have one of those old-school, passed-down for multiple generations recipes so naturally I just Googled it. That being said, if anyone would like to share their old-school, passed-down for multiple generations recipe for apple pie, please email me!