Friday, November 30, 2012

Hand check!

Continuing with our epic 3-part Thanksgiving post extravaganza, I come to 2nd Thanksgiving....Thanksgiving day.  Today is the day where families all over the country get up at absurdly early hours of the day to get a gigundo bird in some sort of cooking device, eat until they can't move, then eat some more.  Sigh - I love America.

Since my parents have relocated to somewhere in middle-America, my roommate's family has officially adopted me for the holiday.  I'm absolutely amazed at how welcoming and generous Kayle's entire family (like extended family) has been to me.  My presence has never been questioned...even during the holidays I obviously don't celebrate (think Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur...I stick out like a sore thumb!).  So since this is a Thanksgiving post, I just want to officially express my gratitude to all of them, and especially Jane and Paul.  Thanks for taking care of me like another daughter.  Love you.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Pumpkin Chunkin

Yet another month (plus) has gone by and yes, I took a big baking hiatus.  I mean like - I did not bake for an entire month!  I know - I'm sorry.  I really don't know what got into me...sometimes you just need just take a few weekends, drink a bit, and sleep in until 2 pm like you're back in college.  And that, my friends, is exactly what I did.

The only thing that broke me out of my doingabsolutelynothingwithmylifeisfun phase was the approach of one of my favorite holidays - Thanksgiving!  Why is Thanksgiving my favorite holiday you ask?  Well, turkey, for one thing.  No pressure for gift-giving is another.  But being with family and friends who all celebrate this one holiday cause we're Americans (read: Amuuuricans) tops the charts.  Oh - and you can seriously have as many Thanksgivings as you can fit in a one week period.  I'm serious (and thankful...see what I did there?)

With that being said, I've now gone zero-to-sixty and have so many recipes and pics to share!  I think the easiest way to go about this will be in chronological order, or at least that's my excuse for appeasing my OCD-self.  Three Thanksgivings...three posts - get excited.